eLM was founded by Dr. Lionel Allen, Jr., as a direct response to the challenging and often overwhelming complexities of school and district leadership.
eLM was founded by Dr. Lionel Allen, Jr., as a direct response to the challenging and often overwhelming complexities of school and district leadership.
ed Leaders Matter will provide non-evaluative, job embedded support to school and district leaders. Specific services will be based on the individual needs of the client. Coaching sessions may address:
Developing and setting goals
Managing time and priorities
Building effective teams
Employing distributive leadership practices
Negotiating difficult relationships
Systems building for continuous improvement
Districts and school leaders seeking assistance in designing schools and programs that will effectively meet the needs of our most promising students should contact ed Leaders Matter. With a proven track record in leading highly successful turnaround schools, charter schools and with a history of being on the cutting edge of educational reform, ed Leaders Matter has the tools and experience to help school leaders think deeply about the systems, structures and human capital necessary to build effective high performing schools for all children.
The next generation of school leaders must confront problems and challenges never imagined by previous generations of educational leaders. It is imperative then that they design systems and structures within their schools that provide for the professional growth and development of their teachers and staff. ed Leaders Matter will design learning experiences for school leaders that will increase their capacity to build these systems and structures. Additionally, professional development for school leaders will highlight effective leadership practices that high performing principals use to sustain quality schools. Participants in these professional development sessions will have a clearer sense of the potency of school leadership and become more capable of leveraging leadership for greater outcomes.
Dr. Allen is a frequently invited panelist, presenter and speaker at local and national education conferences as well as schools, school reform organizations and universities, including the United States Department of Education, National Alliance of Charter Schools, Coalition of Schools Educating Boys of Color, ASCD, Illinois Network of Charter Schools and DePaul, Roosevelt and Northwestern Universities. Topics he has covered range from the creation and maintenance of a positive school culture, African American male student achievement, leadership strategies that promote student and teacher success to the power of education to transform lives. Organizations that seek to retain a highly inspirational and motivational speaker should look no further than ed Leaders Matter.
Schools or districts that are looking to improve student achievement and/or school culture will find Deep Dives as a tremendously worthwhile investment of time and resources. At ed Leaders Matter, we know that poor achievement, high rates of suspensions, and low teacher morale are manifestations of deeper problems that exist within an organization. Effectively addressing these issues require that schools determine what is known in organizational research as “root cause”. The process of root cause problem identification is valuable because it forces school leaders to look beyond outcomes (what can be seen) and focus on the systems that drive those outcomes (the unseen). Using researched-based tools and comprehensive data collection strategies, ed Leaders Matter will work with school leaders to determine the origin of their issues and work to develop a plan of action that will unpack systemic and structural issues that preclude improved school culture and student achievement.